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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">R. Alex Chamberlain</span></span>

R. Alex Chamberlain
BCC (board certified chaplain), Manager Clinical Ethics SLHS

Boise, ID


Cardiology, Critical Care, Telemetry


Professional Achievements:

Board Certified Hospital Chaplain, Masters of Divinity and Masters in Bioethics and Health Policy, Spoken at national conferences on a range of topics (The Use of Humor in Clinical Settings, CPR as Symbol and Ritual, Basic Ethics Concepts), joined adjunct faculty at Northwest Nazarene U. teaching Clinical Ethics to Nursing and Pre-med students.

Favorite Thing About My Profession:

While not a nurse, two of my children are (ER and CVOR).   A chaplain for 30 years, I am now Manager of Clinical Ethics and setting up the means for our employees to access clinical ethics education and consultation services.  I enjoy coming alongside people who are at turning points in their lives and are seeking a way to embrace an ethically sound choice.


Compassion, integrity, flexibility.

Education History

Loyola University Chicago
August, 2010 to December, 2012

Princeton Theological Seminary
September, 1976 to June, 1981

St. Lawrence University
September, 1972 to June, 1976


Professional Contacts