Sue Smith
Correctional Nursing, Educational/Research
Professional Achievements:
- 49 years of experience as a Registered Nurse and 30+ years’ experience as a correctional nurse, starting as a staff nurse in a state prison reception center setting, continuing as a nurse administrator and then as a nurse educator in the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.
- Diploma in nursing from Holzer Medical Center School of Nursing (1971); BSN from Ohio University (1999); MSN from Capital University, specializing in legal studies (2005).
- Membership in professional organizations including the Academy of Correctional Health Care Professionals the American Correctional Health Services Association and the Ohio Nurses Association. Founding member of the American Correctional Nurses Association (2020).
- I have twice served a member of the work group assembled to revise the Scope and Standards of Correctional Nursing, published by the American Nurses Association (2011 & 2019).
- I have developed educational presentations and written short articles addressing Nurse Sick Call guidelines, nursing interventions, patient safety in correctional settings and malingering. I have published three scholarly articles related to correctional nursing: “Concept Analysis of professional autonomy: A correctional nursing perspective” Journal of Correctional Health Care; Stepping through the looking glass: Professional Autonomy in Correctional Nursing Corrections Today.
Work History
Academic Coach — January, 2011 to present
Academic Coach — January, 2011 to present
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction/retired
Columbus, OH
Infectious diseases nurse, nurse administrator, nurse educator — November, 1987 to January, 2009
Infectious diseases nurse, nurse administrator, nurse educator — November, 1987 to January, 2009
Education History
Holzer Medical Center
September, 1967 to June, 1971
Ohio University
September, 1995 to June, 1999
Capital University
January, 2000 to December, 2005
Otterbein University
September, 2009