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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Pam Dannenberg</span></span>

Pam Dannenberg
RN, BSN, COHN-S, CAE - Retired

San Francisco, CA


Occupational/Public Health, Case Management


Professional Achievements:

2 CSAOHN Awards

Favorite Thing About My Profession:

Helping to prevent repetitive motion symptoms and incidents.  I am retired so this is now part of my DNA and a hobby!


Patience, but not too patient - as some people like my son are better off when you are not too patient with them.

Work History

Retired in San Francisco, CA
Occupational Health and Ergonomic Services Consultant - Retired — February, 2003

Education History

St. Luke's School of Nursing - San Francisco, CA
September, 1963 to July, 1966

Wartburg College - Waverly, IA
September, 1961 to July, 1966


Professional Contacts