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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Aracely Lucendo</span></span>

Aracely Lucendo

Dallas, Texas


Cardiology, Medical/Surgical, Neonatal, Hematology / Oncology, Educational/Research, Perioperative


Professional Achievements:
With the experience over the years has provided me and thanks to the training courses, I have reached a point in my career where I feel satisfied with myself but there is always that thought inside ... "could have done more." My great enthusiasm for teaching has led me to develop and deliver four years, a course of Operating Room Nurses with which to really enjoy and get my students also enjoy. Can not be considered an accomplishment, being a member AORN, but since I am a member of my professional life has changed and my vision of nursing perioperatotria is much more complete and comprehensive. To contact theater nurses worldwide is a luxury, it is a great opportunity that has been able to offer AORN only thanks to this I can say I have American friends and among them a very special to which I owe the honor of helping me to write an article in an American magazine. Now I hope that this new website I continue to provide the ability to continue to grow professionally.
Favorite Thing About My Profession:
Beat every day as a surgical nurse, seeking the safety of patients and trying to perpetuate good practice passing on my knowledge to students and novice nurses.
I am a selfless person, tenacious, constant, with great patience and very tidy. Sincerity is another one of my virtues, except for this profile .... I live in Spain, in the Canary Islands (Tenerife) but I've been forced to put that I live in U.S., other

Work History

University Hospital Tenerife
Perioperative Nurse — present


Professional Contacts